Love putting flowers in the top of ornaments, some ornaments you can even put water and fresh flowers or greenery in. This arrangement I like because of the all the varieties of texture tied together with silver/white.
Epsom Salts makes good snow, don't you think?

This is one of my cardboard and yarn creations from years and years ago!
Every year I get ornaments that are appropriate for each daughter, son-in-law and grandchild. (Or, at least ones I think are appropriate with what they like or have done that year) Of course, for the girls it's the Barbies, but this year I got everyone the Roxy Reindeer from Willow House because some of the profits go to support Juvenile Diabetes Research. Bruce was diagnosed as Diabetic this year, (not the Juvenile kind, but Type II) and I just thought this would be a nice addition to all their trees. Then the girls wanted one, along with the Barbies, so lots of Roxy's on my mantel this year~!
Below is my Hawthorne Hurricane from Willow House, oops made this picture before I got the candles on the Renaissance Candlesticks!
My friend Becky, from college, made this Santa for me a few years ago, so it goes along beside the clock my Grandpa Dad got for me at an auction when I was two years old.

Below is my Hawthorne Hurricane from Willow House, oops made this picture before I got the candles on the Renaissance Candlesticks!

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