Willow House

Willow House
Simply Good Design

Monday, March 5, 2012

Gardening Time!

Yea! It's gardening time! I love to dig up the ground and try new things in my garden. I do a fair-sized vegetable garden, but it seems like flowers take up more and more of the space every year! I also love using the tiller--got one I can start myself finally! And it is fun to dig up the vegetable garden space --I almost hate to plant anything because that just makes it harder to till. Then I do like planting and watching for the little sprouts to pop up, and I like tilling around them and watching them grow. I love fresh vegetables and it is a great feeling to fix a meal and everything in it comes from my garden! (However, I get a little bogged down when it comes to canning and freezing any more. Seems things never get ready on my time table.) Oh, well, I'm looking at seed catalogs and visiting plant stores again.
Scenes from last year

With my new love of Pinterest, I found this sign that makes a good motto!

I got a couple of these great planters from the Willow House outlet last year and they still have some in stock at http://bit.ly/zjaHXD
I love these little markers for labeling plants when I can't remember what I planted!

Since we didn't have much winter weather in my part of the country, I'm thinking I can start gardening earlier than usual this year! Maybe if I start with container plantings then I can remember to set them indoors if temperatures dip again! I got two of these great planters last year to go on each side of my front steps and just love their appearance with red geraniums in them. These are available from Willow House and I'd love to set you up with a set, too! They are even at a reduced price on my outlet.

I always plant a big row of zinnias in my vegetable garden for cuttings all summer long, here are a few in our Planter from the Outlet store. I like to try new things every year and some work and some don't. If we have another hot, dry year like last year, I may not have enough water, so I'm looking for the ones that say "drought-resistant"

Do you like to plant? What is your favorite?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Well, we are started in the new year and I am a little late with New Year's Resolutions, but I thought I would share what I have so far:

1. Give more of myself and my time to Bible study and prayer, and to help others

2. Work on time management--maybe with more clocks!! LOL

3. Organize my home, especially my office

4.Have more friends in-show more hospitality

5. Do more gardening, take better care of potted plants moved inside for the winter, and re-do my flower beds outside.

6. Share Willow House products with women who want to have a gracious and welcoming home, comfortable for family and making friends feel welcome. Share my Willow House business with women who love the products, enjoy people and may need a full or part time income.

OK, time to work on at least one of these......