Hot summer time makes me appreciate putting in perennials in years gone by! Especially since we had such a late and wet spring that I didn't get many annuals out this year. I call this purple bush Russian Sage, but am open to names if you think it's something different! All these are blooming in my yard right now!

My roses are kind of sad this year, but I've always loved the color of this one.....

These are my garden statuettes of my 8 grand-children, peeking out of the 4-o-clocks.

Larkspur, maybe?
Daylillies seem to thrive in hot weather

And, of course, sunflowers are one of my favorites! These all came back from ones I had in my garden last year. Actually they are just about all I have in my vegetable garden this year!

Judy Nolen, these are for you! (Judy gave me a start of these last year and I love them! They had surprising flowers in the spring!)
"Daisy, Daisy, tell me your answer, true" The are just beginning to bloom.

Another day lilly, Beautiful colors, wish they would bloom in the fall!

Echinacea also do well in hot and dry. Through the years, hot and dry tolerant plants have made me happy!

The mint flowers are making the butterflies and bees happy!

These beauties come back in my pots by the door every year, anyone know their name? The blooms just last a day or two, but the plant just keeps getting taller and blooming all summer.